𐤟 Giro della Sicilia 2024: registration closed

Giro della Sicilia 2021

Giro della Sicilia 2021

Giro della Sicilia 2021

The event

“Giro della Sicilia“, organized by the GS Mediterraneo under the association of the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI), is open to all cyclists and cyclo-amateurs of both sexes over the age of 15.

The 2021 edition includes 5 stages + 1 prologue that will take place from September 11th to the 17th.

2021 edition


Stage 1


Km: 137
DSL: +1605m

Timed stretches:
– Vendicari 8 km | 53 m dsl+
– Castelluccio 7 km | 420 m dsl+

Start: 8:30

Giro della Sicilia
Stage 2

Palazzolo Acreide

Km: 131
DSL: +2226m

Timed Stretch:
– Salita del Marchese 11 km | 400 m dsl+

Start: 8:30

Giro della Sicilia
Stage 3

Noto Antica

Km: 93
DSL: 1532m

Timed Stretches:
-Avola Antica 7 km | 400 m EG
-Noto Antica 5 km | 350 m EG

Start: 8:30

Giro della Sicilia
Stage 4


Km: 133
DSL: +1831 m

Timed Stretch:
-Ragusa Ibla 6 km | 350 m DSL+

Start: 8:30

Giro della Sicilia
Stage 5

Testa Dell’Acqua, Individual Time Trial

Km: 34
DSL: +688m

Time trial:
Testa Dell’Acqua 8 km | 460 m dsl+

Transfer: 8:30

Start time to be defined

Giro della Sicilia

Velodromo di Noto

Km: 3,00

Laps: 9

Start: two people at a time on opposite sides of the track

Start time: 15:30

Giro della Sicilia
Giro della Sicilia 2021


Who can participate

The event is open to all cyclists and cyclo-amateurs of both sexes over the age of 15 with the membership card for the current year. It should be noted that the event is open to all members of the UCI and the Sports Promotion Entities, who have signed the agreement with the UCI for the year 2021, possessing sports medical fitness for the practice of competitive cycling, and foreign cyclists holding UCI licenses valid for the current year, issued by their National Cycling Federation.

Persons without a cycling license must submit, at the time of registration and no later than the start of the race, a medical certificate attesting to the state of fitness for participation in a competitive cycling event, this must be valid until the last stage.
They will also have to subscribe to the Temporary Membership, at fee of € 10,00 per stage, required when registering with the reception of the GS Mediterraneo, to adhere to insurance regulations. It is required for all participants before they collect their race pack to complete and submit the ethical declaration form. The chip for checks is mandatory for chronometric measurements for those who are not in possession of the chip it can be rented.


The fees include registration for the stages, theOfficial Giro della Sicilia Jersey by Rosti for the Long and Short Giro, Refreshments for each stage, Race Medical Assistance, Mechanical Assistance, Final Awarding for those entitled.


Failure to participate in the event does not provide for reimbursements. In case of serious and proven impediment the will be kept for the following edition.


The Amateur Sports Association GS MEDITERRANEO organizes the “Giro di Sicilia”, international event cycling (road bikes) open to all cycling sports and cycling amateurs in line with the membership fee for the current year.

The event is open to all cyclists and cyclo-amateurs of both sexes over the age of 16 with the membership card for the current year.
The event is open to all members of the FCI and the Sports Promotion Entities, who have signed the agreement with the FCI for the year 2021, possessing sports medical fitness for the practice of competitive cycling and cyclists’ foreigners holding UCI licenses valid
for the current year, issued by their National Cycling Federation.

Participants without a cycling license will have to submit at the time of registration and no later than the start of the race a medical certificate attesting to the state of fitness for participation in a competitive cycling event. This must be valid until the end of 2021.
They will also have to subscribe to the Temporary Membership required when registering with the reception of the GS Mediterraneo, to adhere to insurance regulations, at a cost of € 10.00 per single stage

It is required for all participants before they collect their race pack to complete and submit the ethical declaration form. The mysdam chip for checks is mandatory for chronometric measurements for those who are not in possession of the mysdam chip it can be rented.

Entries will be closed by 1st September. or upon reaching 300 participants. For more information about offers, rates and cancellation deadlines please see paragraph on registration and cancellation conditions.

The event is a cycling sports and the rules of FCI are to be respected. Although Staff Escorts will be in attendance the roads will still be open to road traffic except for the timed trials.
Competitors will have to bring a puncture repair kit. It is advisable to bring spare clothes and rain proof jacket in case of bad weather.
Behind the competitors there will be first aid, technical assistance and radio links.

Competitors must never over-take the lead car and must maintain proper behaviour and comply with the competition rules.

After the timed stage each participant cyclist must follow the road book indications until arrival.

After each timed stage is provided a control point.

The road book will be delivered at the start and will contain detailed indications of the entire route, of the partial and total distances, of the transit times to checkpoints, refreshments and arrival. In order to guarantee the planned assistance (escort service and refreshment points), the times indicated and the scheduled time gates must be respected, which can easily be respected by everyone even at a convenient cycle tour.

Each participant cyclist, being aware that the roads traveled are not manned by the organizing ASD, or anyone else, must be considered on a free personal excursion on roads open to traffic, so he is considered a normal road user, he is obliged to wear the helmet and to comply with the rules of the Highway Code.

The route will also be marked with written indications on the asphalt (arrows and indication “GDS”) and/or with signs.

Competitors must bring a puncture repair kit with them. It is advisable to bring along some spare garment and a cape in the event of bad weather. The caravan will follow the means of rescue, technical assistance and radio links.

The GS Mediterraneo will arrange for refreshments and supplies along the routes of the stages in the places indicated. Refreshments and supplies also have the function of recompacting the group of participants in the sections of the route at controlled speed and at the end of the sections of the route at free speed with chronometric detection. The duration of the stops will vary according to the organizational needs of the event. At the end of each stage the rankings will be shown. There will be no stage awards.

The organization makes available to all participants a free “bag-drop” service to find their own clothing bag at the end of the timed section (refreshments). The tag (supplied in the race pack) must be attached to the bag / backpack to facilitate identification.

It is specified that:

  • The bag-drop is delivered only at the end of the timed section
  • it must be delivered directly to the vehicle responsible for transport, within 20 minutes from the start of the stage.
  • the organization is not responsible for any loss of the clothing sack, part of it or its contents.

Description of the Time Trial logistics.

Participants will go autonomously at the start of the individual time trial.

The list with departure times will be posted on the bulletin board communicated at the end of the Stage 4 – San Mauro stage and will be compiled as follows:

  • first the participants in the single stage will start, according to the number.
  • lastly the members of the Race Subscribers, according to the reverse order in the general classification updated at stage 4

The starters must present themselves in the “pre-start” area at least 5 minutes before the time of departure assigned to them; failure to comply with the aforementioned provision entails the departure in the queue at the last competitor and 5 ‘of penalties in the general classification. The start will take place from standstill, with “foot on the ground”, just before the passage on the timing mat. For the official departure time the clock present at the start of the stopwatch will prevail. Competitors who have finished the test must wait for the arrival of the last competitor before making the descent back to the Resort.

Long/Short Tour: (to be defined)
Medium Tour: (to be defined)

To collect the pack all participants have to complete and submit the ethical declaration form and provide proof of identity.
The chairman of the organization must by law if required provide a list of all participants.
Competitors will have to give their consent for the use of personal data as provided for by Law 31/12/1996 n. 675 for the purposes connected with the holding of the event. Competitors are required to read and accept in all respects this regulation.
Competitors are required to sign the “Declaration of Ethics”, pursuant to and for the purposes of the D.P.R. 28th December 2000, no. 445, as a self-declaration that they have not taken any doping substances and not have disqualifications.
Finally, the race package contains the number to be applied visibly on the handlebar and on t-shirt, the route information, two transporting bags, gadgets and refreshments.

All the stages provide one or more sections of the route at free speed with chronometric detection. At the end of each stage, the absolute and category classifications will be displayed (see Article 8). The summary data of the day will also be made available online on www.girodellasicilia.com for all participants.

The timing and checks will be performed with an electronic system.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make appropriate changes to the routes in the event of situations that may compromise the safety of the participants and the success of the event.

The necessary changes will be made to comply with the limits imposed by the FCI. The kilometers exceeding the expected limit will be covered before the start of the stage as a warm-up (warm up).

At Pollina Resort secretariat will be exposed an Info box panel available to the organization for communications to competitors.
The panel can also be used by individual competitors for any communications to other participants in the event.

Failure to comply with the provisions in point 5, logistic crono, involves the departure at the end of the list and 5′ penalty in the general classification.

All participants must be members of a cycling company regularly affiliated with the Cycling Federation of the country of origin and / or other sports promotion body recognized by the National Olympic Committee, and must have the relevant official card issued for the current year by the Federation ( or promotion bodies for Italian participants)

The President of the cycling company, or his representative, must have these cards if requested by the referee

Competitors must pass the checkpoints placed along the route, under penalty of disqualification. The detection of the passage will be done electronically or by punching.

Passages prior to the transit of the race judge’s car (vehicle at the start of the event) lead to exclusion from the stage classification and therefore from the general classification of the lap; in this case the distance would be out of the protection of the organization.

To enter one of the 3 classifications it is necessary to have completed in their entirety (not just the timed traits) the stages in article 1 (1 Stage for Short Tour, 2 Stages for Medium Tour and 5 Stages for Long Tour).

Long Tour: the first 3 male and female absolute will be awarded; the top 3 companies in the merit ranking and the top 3 companies in the ranking of representation;
Giro Tour: the first 3 men’s and women’s absolute 3 will be awarded;
Giro Tour : the first 3 men’s and women’s absolute 3 will be awarded;

The awards for the overall standings will take place on the May 2, 2019 at the Pollina Resort.
However, the category rankings will be displayed on a daily basis (male A 19-30 years, B 31-36 years, C 37-42 years old, D 43-49 years old, and 50-57 years, F 58-65 years, G over 66 years; female W1 19-39 years, W2 40-54 years, Lady over 55).

They must arrive at the jury in accordance with the provisions of the FCC’s Technical Regulations. As far as not covered in these Regulations are governed by the Technical Regulations and Implementing Rules 2019 of the FCI.

At the end of each stage, anti-doping control is possible by the competent bodies; therefore, before moving away from the area of arrival, competitors will have to make sure they have not been selected for the above check.

ASD GS MEDITERRANEO declines all responsibility for itself and its collaborators for accidents or damage to persons or property that should occur before, during and after the event or by the effect of the event. Each participant loses all responsibility for civil, criminal and administrative liability to the Organization, its employees, volunteers, entities and all subjects involved in a variety of events in the event for any harmful event that should occur or that it is caused by one’s own conduct.

If for reasons of force majeure or any other event not attributable to the organization and for these reasons the event should not take place, the participation fee will not be refunded nor considered valid for the following year.

The organization reserves the right at any time to make discretional changes to the routes and to its Regulations. The website www.girodellasicilia.com is the official information body of the event, therefore all official communications will be made available on this site.

By subscribing to the application form online, the competitor declares that he has a medical certificate of fitness for agonistic activity, possession of regular card, civil liability insurance to a third party, to have read this regulation, accepting it unconditionally
at each point and expressing its consent to the use of your personal data. For the use / processing of personal data is meant any operation concerning the collection, the recording, the organization, the conservation, the consultation, the modification, the
selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, deletion and destruction of data, even if not recorded in a database. According to art. 7 of D. Lgs. 196/03 the participant has the right to gain access to their personal data and to obtain information about their data; ask for the cancellation, blocking, updating, rectifying and refusing the data to be used, referring to the Data Holder – ASD GS MEDITERRANEO, with headquarters in Palermo – Via Aldisio 64.
With the submission of the online registration form, the participant also expresses the permission, so that any photo, video, audio and / or video record of any kind produced during the Tour of the Sicily can be freely stored, reproduced, published and marketed
by the Organization without any right to any remuneration and / or compensation by the participant. The participant expressly authorizes the Organization, together with its media partners, to use fixed or moving images that may portray them during their participation in the competition, on all media, including promotional and / or advertising materials. The participant agrees that such data, respectively, is made available to photographers and / or professional photographers specially commissioned by the Organization for the provision of photographic services on the race.

By submitting the application form online, the competitor, together with the representative of the its team, self-certifies the nonexistence of sports, civil and / or criminal sanctions, even if discounted, for doping facts and declares of not taking substances included in the Anti-Doping List of the World Antidoping Agency (WADA) http://list.wada-ama.org/prohibited-alltimes/ prohibited-substances/.
False information given will be pursued according to law. In case of positivity to the anti-doping controls performed by the GS Mediterranean, or positivity found in the six (6) months following the GS Mediterraneo, in other sports events, the competitor is required to pay to the Organizing Committee of the Tour of Sicily, for compensation for the serious damage to the image of the event, the sum of € 50,000.00 (fifty thousand euros / 00). If belonging to a sports association, the latter shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of that sanction.
The sums that will be forfeited by ASD GS Mediterraneo, for damages to the image, will be entirely devoted to youth sports.

Any participation who deliberately impedes another competitor, or endangers other cyclists by dangerous cycling will be immediately subjected to withdraw from the classification and subjected to disqualification from the event and any further event
for one to five years. In more serious cases, disqualification may be life-long. The above measures will be adopted by the organization. They appeal to the civic sense of the participants not to throw rubbish on the streets. Competitors throwing any objects outside of the refreshment stations will be liable to disqualification for the current and for the next year’s tour. It is strictly forbidden, to use bicycles equipped with any kind of electronic/electric aid. For the correct and safe conduct of the competition, the data of the vehicles that should be abused by the competitors and transit in the space that is in normal traffic, or in the space between the start and the end of the race, will be detected by inspectors of the organization and delivered to the jury and the competent police body for any sporting action that of infringement of the Road Code.

For general / logistic information: e-mail: info@girodellasicilia.com, www.girodellasicilia.com
Tel: 0039 091580891
Mobile: 0039 3343328544
For technical information: mobile 0039 3888970997

These Rules are subject to Italian law and are valid only in Italian language, reference is made to the law in force in the Italian legal system as applicable.

How it works

The Giro della Sicilia is a cycle-sport event, alternating cycle-tourist moments where you can pedal in relaxation at controlled pace, admiring the Sicilian landscapes, at agonism momenta, where (if you want!) you can give your best in the timed stages.

Each participant will be provided with a microchip that will be valid for all stages. All stages will be based on the Noto Velodrome.

Until the start of the timed section, cyclists must never exceed the start of the race car and must maintain an appropriate behavior that complies with the regulations of the event.

The timed section will be indicated one kilometer before by appropriate signage and starting arch.

After each timed section a control point is provided.

In order to guarantee the planned assistance (escort service e refreshments) must be respected the times indicated and the time gates provided, moreover easily respectable by all even a comfortable cycling tour.

The route will also be marked with written indications on the asphalt (arrows and indication “GDS”) and / or with signs.

How it works

The Giro della Sicilia is a cycle-sport event, alternating cycle-tourist moments where you can pedal in relaxation at controlled pace, admiring the Sicilian landscapes, at agonism momenta, where (if you want!) you can give your best in the timed stages.

Each participant will be provided with a microchip that will be valid for all stages. All stages will be based on the Noto Velodrome.

Until the start of the timed section, cyclists must never exceed the start of the race car and must maintain an appropriate behavior that complies with the regulations of the event.

The timed section will be indicated one kilometer before by appropriate signage and starting arch.

After each timed section a control point is provided.

In order to guarantee the planned assistance (escort service e refreshments) must be respected the times indicated and the time gates provided, moreover easily respectable by all even a comfortable cycling tour.

The route will also be marked with written indications on the asphalt (arrows and indication “GDS”) and / or with signs.